G2 - Content Writing

Introduction to G2 & Kickoff

Content Marketing Manager Mara Calvello contacted me on Twitter (X) in January 2022 to inquire about doing some freelance work for G2

We emailed to discuss G2's glossary page project, rates, and assignment structure. We were able to solidify the details of our partnership asynchronously, saving time and preventing meeting scheduling coordination.

First Assignment Feedback

I then received an onboarding document from Mara with instructions for a one-month assignment test that included five glossary pages as defined by G2. I completed this assignment in February 2022 (read a couple of them here: Event Creation and Window of Opportunity) and received the following feedback:

Ongoing Work & Results

Following a successful first assignment, G2 hired me to write five to ten glossary pages monthly from February 2022 through February 2024. As a freelancer on Mara's team, I wrote 140+ glossary pages. Below is some of the feedback I received throughout the project, including some feedback from one of G2's Content Editors: 

G2 featured my work (The User is Drunk and Search Engine Optimization) in their newsletter, G2 Tea.

After two years of writing glossary pages, G2 invited me to transition to writing longer-form blog content across various topics.

Testimonial from G2

As soon as I started managing the freelancer program at G2, I knew I wanted Alyssa to be a part of it. Since January 2022, Alyssa has been an exceptional addition to our freelance team and she has never missed a deadline. I know I can give her a range of topics, from sales to marketing to artificial intelligence, and the content will be well researched and thorough. We at G2 are incredibly lucky to have Alyssa writing for our website!

Mara Calvello, Content Marketing Manager at G2